Build your dream beachfront property in the jungle

Hacemos realidad tu sueño. Tu segunda casa, la casa de tus sueños a un paso de la playa... rodeada de la belleza de la naturaleza.

Todo es posible. Encontraste el lugar correcto.

Máxima privacidad. Servicio completo. Lujo de alta gama.

Nuestro arquitecto de alta calidad ya ha realizado algunos diseños que puede elegir o personalizar, pero también puede diseñar el suyo propio.

El constructor de alta calidad puede utilizar los materiales de construcción que desee. ¿Necesitas importar?

No hay problema, tenemos gente que ayuda a importar mercancías entrantes internacionales de todo el mundo. 





Investing in the jungle? Why?

Between the trees and palms, Surrounded by monkeys, sloths and poisonous green frogs? Don't worry, you and your loved ones are totally safe. 
Or hummingbird and giant parrots called Great Macaw that are on the verge of extinction.
The summer holidays will be never be boring again.
Experience a sustainable biology holiday for parent and child.
Sun, Sea and nature.


We have arrived in the net fase. The designs of the houses are finished. We are starting the environmental impact study. 

Registrations will be opening soon.  Make sure you 

Private Beaches

Want a piece of this cake?

We managed to get our hands on a beautiful piece of beachfront jungle on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

For more information or the region read on here...

We are going to develop this land without damaging nature with all the amenities and comfort you are used to, just like at home.
Read more about the vision of this project 

Soon we will release the first investment plan.  Stay tuned, follow us on our socials and or sign up for the newsletter down below.